Finally met up with NUS riders for the first time. I've been wanting to join them, but just got to making time for it.
Apparently Wildcat (bottom right) is a MotoV member as well. No wonder i find her familiar. Cause i met her at some of our MotoV meetups what!

The incumbent NUS riders club president treated us to ice cream at Holland Village on friday night. By the time i reached home and went to bed, it was like 2am. Slept a couple hours, and headed out to Ride Safe 07, a public bike safety event at BBDC.

MotoV gathered at Chai Chee to join 10 United Premas riders. The 35 of us were grouped into fives plus one BBDC instructor. The organisation was very bad. Instead of convoying separately, we ended forming one long convoy, and the leader was stupid enough to occupy the middle lane of PIE. This made it difficult for vehicles filtering into PIE to get to lane 1 or 2. Vehicles in lane 1 also had trouble exiting left.

Some guest of honour giving a grim speech.
It was back to the basics with pylon shalom

Neo's ZZR didn't take too much trouble in the S course, or was it the rider's skill?

Its not the typical day at BBDC with all these big bikes plying the circuits.

Den's looking good there with the SV. I tell you whats hilarious. He took his bloody loud pipe and put the stock, legal one in. Cause he's afraid TP summon him today. No wonder the convoy riding to BBDC was so peaceful leh.
Although the VFR has a large turning radius, it didn't stop Wei Jie from overcoming the obstacles. The organisation begged much improvement, but I guess i had my fill of trying out my bike in the circuit, which I would otherwise not have been able to. Did the event raise my safety consciousness? Maybe not much. What it did do, was to affirm my safety consciouness. By gathering with like minded riders, the day helped us forcus on riding safely and understanding out bikes characteristics better with the circuit obstacles. All in all, it was good fun. I also met the NUS riders at BBDC, but i didn't manage to get any pictures of them doing the obstacles as we weren't in the same group. Well.. perhaps, next time, riders. Till then.
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