Pic taken at the base of Fraser Hills.

Nice scenery at the base.

This dam at the base of Fraser's looks like one of those bottomless ones you see movies.

Many of Fraser's bends could only be taken safely at around 50 or less. It wasn't the most pleasant route amongst the peaks, but it was a good challenge.

Alan, William, Lawrence and Barry left Singapore in the afternoon and reached Fraser Hills at night.

Just in time to join us for dinner.
Penuts and chips washed down with vodka and Chivas. We spent the first night chatting away since it was rather late by the time we reached Fraser Hills.

Dawn at Fraser's.

We woke up early for a morning stroll on Sunday morning.

We encoutered this thousand year old, thousand legged millepede. Look at its size relative to a regular handphone! Imagine one the thickness of your thumb and longer than twice the length of your handphone!

It was Alan's bright idea to ascend a half kilometre jungle trail. The group was game enough to get out of our comfort zones after some deliberation! Game on!

Just as we started climbing up the trail, a family came down frantically with a kid having a leech stucked to his foot. Lawrence used his cigarette to burn the leech off.

Never mind that we were decked in berms and slippers, not exactly trekking gear, and certainly easy targets for the leeches. We pushed on.

As we were taking a candid shot mid trail, most of us in this pic were jumping up and down, shuffling around or looking intently on the ground. Barry brushed off a leech fast enough before it started sucking his blood. Lawrence's cigarettes had just appreciated in value on this trail.

We survived the trail with zero casualty.

Some of us had a race at Alan's Water.

We departed Fraser Hills early afternoon and left for Genting Highlands. At the base of Genting highlands, 7 bikes departed for Singapore. The remaining 15 headed up.

Amongst the few peaks I have rode up, I have to vote for Genting Highlands as the best peak.

Ascending up Genting was the fun part. Coming down was more dangerous though.

The team made it up Genting safely...
and made a grand entrance at First World hotel
After dinner, we strolled outside the outdoor theme park, and came across this new roller coaster ride.
Me: Hey guys! Come on! Lets get up this ride. We came all the way up here, we gotta ride this man!
William: Ok lets go.
(James and wife shuffles for their discount coupon for the ride)
Endless: Eh... Never mind, you all go ahead, I help you all jia ga your stuffs.
Alan: Never mind Endless, I help you all look after, you can go ahead
Endless: Eh... Never mind... This one I sit before already.
Me: (dirty look to Ah Seng)
4 of us went up the thrill ride. Notice the prone position of the ride.
Halfway climbing up.....
Me: Oh shit... Whose idea was it to sit this thing ah?
(James and wife bursts out laughing)
Me: NoooOOOooo!!!
(felt as if I was gonna scrape my footpegs as it was twisting... )
came to the 360 turns...
(i felt like I crashed........) Lucky my dinner was still intact.
We had coffee at Coffee Bean. Lawrence was on a mission to find coffee. We enjoy the drinks while it rained heavily.
Well said quote and wise wisdom!
huhhhh...very nice ha your pic, your trip..
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