Parked ours at the Ranch, beside these huts called Tee Pees.

This is the cutest bike I have ever seen, with sub-woofers so loud its a mobile disco.

Some of these kids are barely 7 or 8, and here they are, practicing in a controlled environment. A good way to nurture young talent.

Nice sunset at Port Dickson beach.

Hmm... Chilled out at the bar with a quick cold beer with Raymond and wife at night.

Storm Riders played MotoV members in a water polo competition on Sunday morning... My arm still aches now ah... We lost 9-8 after extra time. It was very fun, at times like water wrestling. Haha...

After lunch we headed for Go Kart racing somewhere near Eagle Ranch. Reached back the Ranch by 4 plus. Packed and go. Somewhere along the way back, I fell out of the convoy. Apparently Alan and Den Den overshot a right turn first, as there was no marker placed yet, and they were distracted by a rear STX who was following closely. I made the right turn but overshot an immediate left turn after that. There was no marker, and hence i went straight. After riding for half an hour alone along the trunk roads, i suspected i had went off the trail after seeing there was no marker at a roundabout, surely, a sign that i was lost. Circled the roundabout once to confirm my heading towards Melecca, at least its south-bound right? Was glad to see a Suzuki 400, Salbum from Storm Riders heading towards me at that point. I thought I was on the right trail since the rear caught up with me right? He was also glad to see me too, and assumed he caught up with the convoy. So we rode another half hour before i pulled over to check with him. Turned out to be the blind following the blind. Haha... But the trunk roads we rode in were very nice, so i enjoyed myself, even though i was lost. Stopped to ask for directions and some uncle pointed us in the direction of the old highway, which meant trunk roads. With only half an hour's daylight left, we set off in ernest. We still had enough petrol, but negotiating the old highway at night for the first time was not appealing to me. It turned out we hit the NSH instead. We eventually chanced upon the convoy at Pagoh R&R and joined up with the group, hence aborting our plan to ride back straight to Singapore ourselves via the "old highway". Alan and Den Den joined up with the convoy 5 minutes after me, and then i realized they fell out of the convoy too. I was surprised at myself for not panicking despite horlaning big time for the first time away from the convoy. The Betong trip must have been a shot of confidence in my arm, and Alan and Endless' experience must have rubbed off a little on me. Salbum's company also meant we could watch each other's back while searching for the way back home. It was a worthwhile adventure, and sharpened my nerves for more trips.
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