Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prep for Halfway Up 2-The Thousand Kilometres Trunk Roads Run

With a couple days to spare, Vincent aka da_vinchee cooked up a ride plan, and Gabriel's Strom 650 rolled out of the work shop 4 days prior to the tour. So off we went, turning out of the NSH only after 100km at Yong Peng into trunk roads. The plan was to ride a further 400+km to Taman Negara and recce the location for future group rides there. On day 2 we would ride into Betong, South Thailand via another 400+km of trunk roads on Gerik Highway, before heading to Genting on day 3. Alas, they say the adventure begins when things don't go according to plan. How we ended up at Camerons instead will be be revealed as the story unfolds.

Da_Vinchee, our ride planner serving us Listerine at Taman Negara.

You'll never run out of alcohol with the man in tow.

Before we calmed ourselves down over booze, these buggers came out of nowhere to welcome us to Taman Negara.

The 2 Stroms making it through unscathed.

Me and Vincent talking cows.

One of the main rivers leading into Taman Negara.

Fizzy and me

Now you see the food,

now you don't.

Kampong kitty getting cosy on me.

Gabriel giving us the ADV rider salute.

On day 2 we proceed towards Gerik Highway, the trunk roads mecca for bikers. Alas, it was not to be. Fizzy threw a spat and refused to run. She prefers a little shade under the unforgiving heat in Gua Musang, about a 100km from Gerik.

On closer inspection, we found the bearing, together with the front sprocket and chain slipping out of the axle shaft. The nut holding things in place flew out.

The local mech improvised a C-Ring clip to prevent the sprocket and chain from slipping off the axle. With Fizzy's spat we decided against riding north into Betong. The improvised clip could fly off at any time and I was riding at 120km/h max. We were turning south into Cameron Highlands instead when Da_vincee realized he left some vehicle documents and maps behind in Gua Musang.

Now the two of them had to consult Gabriel's map and debated against the stupid GPS suggesting the longer route.

We made it to Camerons to spend the night there though. Started day 3 early riding up Genting. I was minimizing my gear changes and accelerating slowly, without exceeding 130km/h. The clip on was holding up fine, but I was risking a chain fling off with every mile and corner. There's isn't much in the way of pictures from here on as I have previously rode to both peaks before, and I was riding up under different circumstances this time. On day 4, I trotted along the NSH at 130km/h. The open highway was a relief for Fizzy as I applied a constant throttle feed for the most part, giving the chain less stress. With a bit of good luck I crossed into Singapore by 5pm on Sunday evening with the two men. The problem has since been rectified of course. Its a good thing i put Fizzy through her paces on this tour. A spare axle nut is now on my spares list for tours.


Anonymous said...

that silver fazer is it the one that usually park in NUS admin block carpark illegally under shelter? nice pipes! got a close up look when i almost bumped into your side boxes trying to back out from the lot ;)

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. yeah.. thats the illegally parked silver fazer. I try to be law abidding these days. Good thing the enforecement guys haven't got me on one :p

Odometer: 115000km on the road

Last Updated 25/11/09